Field Science/Geology
Field Science and Geological uses:- Field identification and documentation of biology, geology, entomology samples.
- Classroom presentation and internet documentation of samples from the field.
- Laboratory identification of field samples.
Zarbeco manufacturers portable digital microscopes to provide field scientists and geologists identification tools with lightweight, portable, digital microscopes. A laptop computer is the only power source your digital microscope will need.
Video ToolBox imaging software is included with all Zarbeco products and will allow you to view the live image on your computer screen and capture still pictures or movies which can be emailed or later displayed on a computer projector. Also take measurements of your image, label them, draw on them, and add a date/time stamp.
Zarbeco products being used by Field Scientists:- MiScope to record and e-mail images for insect identification and plant pathology
- MiScope-MP to document minerals and geology samples
- ZDM with FocusLock to examine soil samples